Green Energy

Net Metering & Generator Installations


Net metering is a special metering and billing agreement between CVEC and our members that enables the connection of small, renewable energy-generating systems to the power grid. Net metering programs help promote small-scale renewable energy systems, ensure that customers have a reliable source of energy from CVEC during times when their renewable generators are not running, and benefit electric power-generating system, the economy, and the environment.

When a net metering member's renewable generator is producing more power than is being consumed, the electric meter runs backward, which in turn generates credits. Conversely, the meter runs forward as normal when a net metering customer uses more power than is being produced. Net metering members are charged only for the "net" power consumed from CVEC over a designated period.

Net metering systems help to lessen our reliance on fossil fuels, to increase the range of our current energy sources, and to minimize the environmental impact of electricity generation and consumption. It has been shown that operators of net metering systems tend to be very aware of their energy consumption, so they usually use less energy than the average member of electricity.

CVEC Guidelines:

Any installation of power generating systems at homes, farms and businesses serviced by CVEC must follow certain guidelines. This includes small emergency generators, standby power systems, net energy metering, and any other interconnected systems designed to export energy to the power distribution system.

It is the intent of CVEC to allow members to install generation equipment, provided the member's equipment does not adversely affect the safety or operation of the Cooperative's power distribution system and meets the following criteria:

A. Interconnected systems are rated less than 20 MW of total generation capacity

B. Not intended for wholesale transactions

C. Not anticipated to affect the transmission system

You can download our guidelines for installations here. It is not a complete description or listing of all rules and regulations pertaining to generation systems. The member requesting to install a generator is responsible for and must also follow the rules and regulations of the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) and local authorities as well as the Cooperative's Terms and Conditions and applicable service rules.

Your cooperative stands ready to work with you to guide you through the application process and to ensure that your generation equipment is installed in a proper and safe manner.

We can help you determine the appropriate procedures to follow for your specific generator installation and provide you with the application form and other documentation that you will need for a successful project. CVEC does not keep a list of recommended installers. This checklist might help you with your choice.

See our summary of documentation, fees and insurance for new metering & generator installations. Download and complete the necessary forms dependent on whether or not your generator will be interconnected to the CVEC distribution system.

If interconnected (operating parallel):

select the forms on the first tab if the generator will be subject to net energy metering

select the forms on the second tab if the generator output will be dedicated solely to

power production

Net Energy Metering:

Members who own a generator that utilizes a renewable fuel source own the green aspect of that energy and any Renewable Energy Certificates (REC’s) that might be available to them. The REC’s may be sold by the member to an independent third party or the member may sell them to CVEC under the terms and conditions outlined in the DVP – Rider R renewable energy program.

Members with questions or wishing to install a generator on the CVEC distribution system should contact the Engineering Department by e-mail.








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Phone: 434.263.8336 | Toll free: 800.367.2832 | Fax: 434.263.8339

Corporate Headquarters:

800 Cooperative Way

Arrington, VA 22922


Dept. 1340  |  PO Box 2153

Birmingham, AL 35287-1340


P. O. Box 247

Lovingston, VA 22949