Power Restoration

Prepare for an Outage

Despite the best maintenance program and reliability planning, outages will occur across 4,500 miles of distribution line. our Cooperative advises you to take the time to create an kit of items and goods to help you through the outage.

Be Ready!

The site,, is a joint project of The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). It is a campaign designed to educate and empower Americans to prepare for and respond to emergencies including natural and man-made disasters. The goal of the campaign is to get the public involved and ultimately to increase the level of basic preparedness across the nation.

Included on the site is Ready Kids, a tool to help parents and teachers educate children (grades 1 through12) about emergencies and how they can help get their family prepared. The program includes family-friendly Web pages and online materials developed by Sesame Workshop and Discovery Education.

Lots of information here about being prepared, planning ahead, and staying informed. Check it out!

Be Safe!

Don’t operate lanterns, heaters or fuel-fired cook stoves without adequate ventilation.

Always refuel appliances outside, away from flames or sparks. Wipe up fuel spills immediately.

Do not burn charcoal indoors, because it releases carbon monoxide.

Don’t allow children to carry candles or oil lamps in the house.

If you use a fireplace, use a screen. Do not leave a fire unattended, especially at night.

If you use a generator, have it is installed by a certified electrician and inspected by CVEC to prevent back feeding onto the distribution line and endangering our linemen and others.

Remember to place the generator outside in a well-ventilated area.

You can read more info about using generators safely here.

Shut off or unplug any sensitive electronic equipment to protect them from power surges.

Eat to supply heat and drink to avoid dehydration.

Outage Kit

Battery-powered radio

Flashlights & fresh batteries

Emergency supplies of water

Non-perishable, easily prepared foods

Manual can & bottle openers

Candles, matches/lighters

Portable heater (gas or oil)

Camping equipment

Charged cell phone


Blankets & pillows


Medications & personal hygiene products

Non-cordless phone

First-aid kit

Pet supplies

Fire extinguisher & smoke alarm

Family & emergency contact list







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Phone: 434.263.8336 | Toll free: 800.367.2832 | Fax: 434.263.8339

Corporate Headquarters:

800 Cooperative Way

Arrington, VA 22922


Dept. 1340  |  PO Box 2153

Birmingham, AL 35287-1340


P. O. Box 247

Lovingston, VA 22949